Gum Disease Treatment – Commack, NY

Eliminating Bacteria to Improve Gum Health

Gingivitis is considered the earliest stage of gum disease – a serious condition that affects millions of Americans. But with gum disease treatment in Commack from Silfa Dental, we can target bad oral bacteria with safe and effective solutions so that your gum health improves. Call us if you notice bleeding or swelling of your soft oral tissues.

Person pointing to their smile after gum disease treatment in Commack

Why Choose Silfa Dental for Gum Disease Treatment?

  • More Comfortable Treatment with Laser Therapy
  • Sedation Dentistry Available
  • Personalized Service From a Team That Cares

Scaling & Root Planing

Smiling woman leaning back in dental chair

As a two-part process designed to treat gum disease, scaling and root planing involves removing plaque and tartar from above and below the gumline as well as smoothing tooth roots to ensure gums reattach to teeth. This process can require multiple visits depending on the severity of the bacterial attack.

Laser Periodontal Therapy

Illustrated dental laser treating gum disease

If moderate or severe gum disease is detected, our team can use LANAP or a biolase laser to eliminate harmful bacteria. By destroying the source of deteriorating gum health, we can work to ensure optimal results while also conserving much of your natural, healthy gum tissue.

Antibiotic Therapy

Illustrated tooth with receding gums

When bacteria are in hard-to-reach places, it can be difficult trying to fully eliminate them from the oral cavity. However, with antibiotic therapy, we can place the medication into gum pockets so that it disperses over time to target harmful particles in burrowed areas and allow for proper healing.