If you’ve recently upgraded your grin with one or more cosmetic dental procedures, it’s natural to want to show off the results. Whether you had your teeth professionally whitened for an upcoming event or had veneers placed to mask unsightly blemishes, your dentist can improve your appearance to boost your confidence.
However, did you know that showing off your newly enhanced smile can also benefit your health? Continue reading to learn four of the rewards of having a happy visage!
Advantage #1: Lengthens Your Life
According to a study published in the Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, optimistic people have increased longevity. Those who approach the trials and tribulations of everyday life with a smile on their face and an uplifted outlook have a 50% to 70% better chance of living to be 85+ years old. The next time you’re feeling down and out, remember that focusing on the positives can improve your mental and physical condition.
Advantage #2: Reduces Stress
It’s easy to feel overwhelmed when you’re under a lot of pressure. Anxiety about work, personal relationships, or simply too much multi-tasking can leave you feeling and looking worn down or overwhelmed. Fortunately, lifting the corners of your mouth triggers the release of feel-good endorphins that reduce stress. Because your body doesn’t always recognize the difference between a forced grin and a genuine one, feel free to fake it till you make it!
Advantage #3: Improves Social Life
Have you ever started laughing with a friend without hearing the joke that set them off? Giggles can be contagious, spreading from one person to the next seemingly without cause or reason other than connectivity and affection. Neuroscientists who have studied the phenomenon have witnessed how it builds friendships and other relationship connections that can improve a patient’s quality of life. The adage is true: laugh and the world laughs with you.
Advantage #4: Boosts Immunity
If you have a stubborn cough or cold that you can’t seem to shake, grinning might help. Lifting the edges of your lips releases different hormones and neurotransmitters that reduce anxiety, lower blood pressure, and calm your heart rate. All these factors help your body relax, which allows your immune system to function more effectively. If you’re trying to stay healthy during flu season, you can try wearing a smile under your mask for protection.
As you can see, there are many benefits to showing off the recent enhancements to your grin!
About the Author
Dr. Publio Silfa is dedicated to helping people achieve and maintain the most beautiful and healthy version of their smiles. He earned his Doctor of Dental Surgery from the Universidad Central del Este in the Dominican Republic and is now an active member of the American Dental Association. He prioritizes patient comfort and takes the time to listen to your goals and concerns so he can provide fully individualized treatment plans to meet them. Then, he uses state-of-the-art equipment to deliver accurate results intended to last. You can request a cosmetic consultation on the website or call (631) 651-1322.